
Running on Leadership

An instant message appeared today from apbs remarking how great the latest edition of The Gospel According to Lexi D. Vina is. It is fairly fantastic -- even though I shall not reveal the author (and no, it wasn't me).

Our conversation turned continued as we talked about our ministry. Perhaps it is the middle of Lent and stresses are just higher in general. But, we both shared a frustration about church members that want things to done without wanting do offer energy for the transformative work. And though we are eagerly awaiting the Resurrection, we both feel tired with the work that we want to do if people would just get on board with us. I may be speaking more for myself than I am for my blogger friend.

I didn't really think much about this conversation until I was on the treadmill trying to catch up on my Christian Century habit. I started to run faster and couldn't read between the bouncing words as I thought about the work that is so hard to do if we are not in this together. Mind you, I was reading the issue about atheists. My mind started to bounce around to as I considered the Biblical model for the ministry we are supposed to share. Where does it say that there is only one leader? How are we supposed to share in leadership?

This seemed clearer at the gym. But, I still wonder about your thoughts.


Teri said...

I don't have any coherent thoughts about this.
However, it's a good idea to take the CC to the gym...I should do that, since I have at least one, possibly two waiting to be read. But I've been taking the Dante Club (or something like that--a murder mystery) to the gym instead. Maybe the CC is next...

Miguel Escobar said...


Here's a juicy tidbit to think about. There was a recent study that looked at two floors of a nursing home. The patients on one of the floors was given the opportunity to do two things--1) choose the plant that rested on the window sill and 2) decide collectively on which movie they would see together on a Friday night. The second floor, however, did not get to choose anything. The results were startling. The death rate on floor 1 (with options) was literally half that of floor 2. Over and over these results were repeated. The suggestion? Even the slightest bit of say over one's existence has the potential to greatly improve one's life. This is all to say, perhaps, that people like being given options, even on the smallest of things. Maybe leadership is also about identifying places where places can opt in, opt out, or opt in new, different ways. (And sorry for description of the slightly creepy study but it is very revealing...)