
Prophesy Mortal

I have fallen out of the practice of prayer. I won't make excuses. It is what it is -- but I noticed it and became proactive a few weeks ago. I started reading the Bible (again) for myself. Not for sermon study. Or other ministerial roles. Just for me. I jumped into the Book of Exekiel wanting to eat and to live.

My new spiritual director teased me about this. She thought Ezekiel was an obvious choice for my present situation. Amusing. So, I've been pushing through slowly. I read a few chapters this morning in the middle. God's a bit angry which didn't help in my centering. There are two words that are repeated over and over: prophesy and mortal. After all, I am mortal and I'm hunting for God's words to prophesy into my dry bones (ok, I'm not that far into Ezekiel).

Prayer leads to interesting things. This is all I have to say. That 10 minutes provided an important reminder to begin my day. I hope you found the same strength this morning in familiar words with new prophetic power.

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