
Bored Meeting

The conference is over. Everyone has left on jetplanes. Or dispersed within the city of DC.

And eleven of us have been sitting in a bored meeting. I mean, board meeting. I really thought that it was going to be a bored meeting. But, it hasn't been. Time has flown and conversation has been so exciting. I can't tell you how excited I am to see what comes with the Young Clergy Women's Project. It's going to be so fantastic. It already is pretty great. But, it's going to be the most amazing thing ever. Hooray!


Amy said...

Teri and I are uber glad your meeting was a bonus. Can't wait to see where you fearless leaders drag - I mean lead - us next. Peace!

mark said...

sorry not all of us can be as cool as you and your revgal friends...

it must be a level of coolness that i will have to work up to :)

Pastor Peters said...

i only worry about your self care practices mark. that's all. no more. no less.

and you are plenty cool.

LittleMary said...

well this is exciting to hear! can't wait to hear the blangs.