I thought I was on top of this this year. I am not. I had several options picked out. Yesterday, I ordered books from Amazon. One for my book group that decided to read this book and the other because Tribal Church and Barack Obama has got me thinking about the 20-30 generation. I don't want to read this for Lent. I want to read this because I'm curious.
I didn't order a book for Lent which means that I have to go to the evil mega-bookstore to find a book (instead of one of our local independent bookstores that don't carry any religious books not written by the Pope) to find a book. Here are my options:
OPTION A. I have this book at home. I found it on my bookshelf last night. It appeals to me and might be a good journey for me. Perhaps you are more well-read than I am and have read The Imitation of the Christ. This does have the added perk of not going to the bookstore.
OPTION C. I have to add a little Crossan. He wrote this book God and Empire that's about to appear in paperback in the middle of Lent. I'm interested in this because someone recently told me that you can't talk about this in church. I believe the words were: "This doesn't preach." I so disagree. I want more information though.
So, I'm looking for suggestions. Please help me begin my Lenten Season.
Empire doesn't preach? Bullshit is what I have to say about that. totally disagree.
littlemary, you are an economist of words. nicely said. i concur.
God and Empire is an excellent read. Crossan steps out of his usual rigourous methodology and lets loose a bit. I loved it. I have Reading Judas on my bookpile so if you want to read it without buying it, I could loan it to you.
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